Adult acne

acne tarda; adult acne; late ance

Not only teenagers in puberty fight against unsightly pimples and skin blemishes, but also women over 30 sometimes suffer from it. Doctors refer to this as acne tarda, whereby “tarda” can be translated as “late”. It is estimated that almost one in four women between the ages of 25 and 45 suffer from adult acne.

Characteristic of acne is an inflammatory skin condition. This skin condition is characterized by papules and pustules, which are accompanied by increased sebum production and cornification disorders. As a result of acne, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation forms, also known as pimple marks. The pimples usually appear in the so-called T-zone, i.e. around the chin, on the nose, in the forehead area and in the lower cheek area. Men are affected significantly less than women.


Cause of age-related acne

The triggers of adult acne can be very diverse and different. Before the menstruation, i.e., in the so-called PMS phase, strongly pronounced inflammatory pimples appear. After stopping the pill, women often notice that the skin reacts to the changed hormone balance with skin blemishes. An unbalanced or one-sided diet and psychological stress are also among the causes of adult acne. In rare cases, there is a hereditary predisposition or a food intolerance.


Treatment of adult acne

Fortunately, adult acne can be treated well. Only in extremely severe cases, the dermatologist will prescribe antibiotics; in most cases, creams or solutions with germ-reducing active ingredients are sufficient. Preparations containing the active ingredient benzoyl peroxide are available over the counter; they have an antibacterial effect, but can also irritate the skin areas affected by adult acne. For milder forms of adult acne, milder creams that improve the skin condition are recommended.

Apart from this, it is also important for most women to cleverly conceal age-related acne. With a non-comedogenic, i.e., a make-up that does not promote pimples, this succeeds very well. Good manufacturers also offer make-up with an antibacterial effect. A light and gentle make-up fluid with a transparent mineral or mosaic powder is always an optimal choice for adult acne.


Improve adult acne with the help of skin care

Mild fruit acid creams reduce unsightly keratinization of the skin and refine pores, improving the appearance of acne. Choosing the right active ingredients, such as azelaic acid, helps normalize the cornification disorder so that the clogging and pimple formation can be reduced.  By now, many good acne care series with active ingredients that can normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands are available. The ingredient salicylic acid is a real classic in this respect, and lactic acid also has a very gentle effect while ensuring that irritated skin does not dry out. Niacinamide or pumpkin seed extracts help to prevent new pimples from appearing in the first place.

Thorough but gentle cleansing is also important. Gentle, pH-neutral washing lotions are particularly suitable in this context, conventional soap, on the other hand, is not suitable because the ingredients sodium laureth sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate usually contained in it can promote the formation of skin blemishes. Regular peeling is also recommended for adult acne. It may be carried out twice a week and dissolves any cornifications. In our article ABC facial cleansing you will find more information on the subject of cleansing.

Affected persons should absolutely avoid rich and oily cosmetics.


Adult acne: when mature skin tends to pimples

With high-quality cosmetics that contain active ingredients and are free of questionable ingredients, adult acne can be concealed and alleviated very well. In addition to consistent cleansing and care, the decision to use cosmetic products that are suitable for the skin plays an important role in combating adult acne. Since pimples and other skin impurities can reduce the self-esteem of many sufferers and even lead to inferiority complexes, the selection of high-quality products is immensely important.

Cosmacon will be happy to develop appropriate formulations against age-related acne for you, just contact us!




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A comparison of the effectiveness of azelaic and pyruvic acid peels in the treatment of female adult acne: a randomized controlled trial.; Chilicka K, et al. Sci Rep. 2020.

Adult female acne: a guide to clinical practice.; Bagatin E, Freitas THP, Rivitti-Machado MC, Machado MCR, Ribeiro BM, Nunes S, Rocha MADD.An Bras Dermatol. 2019 Jan-Feb;94(1):62-75.