Info and news from the world of cosmetics

Vegan Seal

01 Jan 2023
Vegan certificate, Scientifically founded

Most people associate a vegan lifestyle with a nutrition without animal-derived food. However, we can apply this attitude also to other fields of our life. For example, to our bathroom. Increasingly more consumers pay attention to a vegan seal when buying cosmetic products. A matter of course for “real” vegans.…

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X-Mas 2022

23 Dec 2022

Dear customers, partners, and suppliers, Another year is drawing to a close. It was a very successful one for Cosmacon. We gained 72 new customers and developed and launched almost 500 cosmetic products for our customers in 2022. We are thus continuing the positive trend of the past years. In…

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Ribwort Plantain

19 Dec 2022
Plantago Lanceolata Leaf Extract

The ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata) is one of the meadow weeds that almost everyone knows. It is also sometimes called serpent’s tongue or spearwort, which is due to the lance-like narrow leaves that literally shoot out of the ground like weeds. Yet the ribwort plantain is by no means a…

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12 Dec 2022
Vitamin B1, thiamine hydrochloride

Vitamin B1, also called aneurine and thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin that is very important especially for the human nervous system. It is mainly found in wheat germ, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, baker’s yeast, peas, beans, pork, oatmeal, and poultry. The daily requirement for adults is about 1.0 to 1.3…

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05 Dec 2022
Vitamin E

The term Tocopherols is a collective term for various fat-soluble substances. The most common form is tocopherol, but the individual structures were not clarified until 1938. Until today, Tocopherol of the alpha structure is the form about which scientists and researchers know the most. Tocopherols cannot be produced in the…

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Pro-vitamin D: precursor of sun hormone

01 Dec 2022
Pro-vitamin D: precursor of sun hormone

Pro-vitamin D is the precursor from which skin produces vitamin D with the influence of sun rays. Vitamin D controls important metabolism functions in the body. It has positive effects on bone synthesis and bone density, production of bone stem cells, immune system, muscles, skin and psyche. Recently, other effects have…

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Total defence

28 Nov 2022
new concept, skin protection

Total defence: This does not mean a military strategy in troubled times, but an innovative and novel cosmetic concept. However, it has a lot to do with defence, because the concept protects our skin from harmful influences from the environment, i.e. air pollution, sunlight, moisture loss and other factors. All…

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Biotin – the powerful vitamin for skin

21 Nov 2022
Biotin, Vitamin H

Biotin – the powerful vitamin for skin,  is also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H. In the human body, it is involved in fat and protein metabolism, and is also needed to maintain healthy skin, nails and hair. Biotin (vitamin H) is found in many foods. Its content in…

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Pro-vitamin B5

07 Nov 2022
Panthenol, dexpanthenol

Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, is a water-soluble vitamin. It is found in most foods and is involved in many metabolic processes in the body. Whole grain products of all kinds, eggs, rice, nuts, milk, brewer’s yeast and avocados are particularly rich in pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). From…

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ABC of peptides

01 Nov 2022
Hexapeptides, little proteins

Peptides are a real fountain of youth increasing gaining importance in cosmetics. They give the cells the signal to regenerate and trigger body-own repair mechanisms. According to the number and sequence of the amino acids and perhaps other molecules, they have manifold, specific effects. They are very safe to skin…

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