Kahai Oil

Caryodendron Orinocense Seed Oil; Kahai Oil

Kahai oil, also known as caryodendron orinocense seed oil (cacay oil), absolutely fittingly enjoys a good name as an anti-aging miracle substance. It is a very exclusive oil of rare distribution.  The fast growing cacay tree (Caryodendron Orinocense) reaches a height of 40 meters. It thrives only in the rain forest of the Andes. The precious kahai oil is derived from the lemon-yellow nuts.


Kahai oil: Extraction and sustainable cultivation

Cacay nuts are harvested in summer. A ten-year-old tree can yield 100 to 250 kilograms of nuts per year. They are rather easy to remove from the thin shell; then they are cold-pressed by a special method to extract the oil.

Still today, for the most part the nuts are harvested by collection in the wild, although industrialization is gaining ground. New cacay plantations establish reliable sources of income for the poor local residents and ensure subsistence of many families. In addition, the rain forest is protected because uncontrolled clearing in the wild is prevented.

The cacay tree for many years was a popular firewood in the region. The knowledge of the effects of kahai oil has contributed to a considerable decrease in clearing. The continuous new cultivation of trees and the increasing demand for the oil help to support the resolute protection of the rain forest.

It is also worth to mention that cacay trees afford vital shade for the growth of another local plant: coffee Arabica. Moreover, they absorb and process large quantities of CO2.


Ingredients and effects

What makes kahai oil so precious? The ingredients. Kahai oil contains twice as much vitamin E as argan oil and three times as much retinol as rosehip seed oil. Thirty percent of its oil content is linoleic acid and 10 percent linolenic acid. The all-rounder linoleic acid is an essential player to protect skin from inflammations, to strengthen the natural skin barrier and to promote the development of new skin cells. It also helps to alleviate acne, psoriasis and hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin E efficiently protects skin against free radicals and prevents premature skin aging. It is a real cell protection vitamin important in cell renewal. Vitamin E is reputed to be a body-own anti-aging substance because it increases skin’s collagen and consequently skin’s firmness.

It also contains retinol, the purest form of the fat-soluble vitamin A, which is a completely natural active agent used to reduce wrinkles. Vitamin A is the most essential vitamin for cellular growth and hydration of the skin. It maintains skin’s firmness, improves skin’s appearance and imparts vitality and radiance to the complexion.

Regular use of kahai oil effectively increases skin’s hydration, firmness, and elasticity.

With the almost overwhelming richness of vitamins and essential fatty acids in mind it is no surprise that kahai oil is praised as the most recent and perhaps most efficient anti-aging miracle agent. The unique combination of vitamins and fatty acids is the ideal answer for a really healthy skin regeneration. Kahai oil can also help to diminish scars, stretch marks or skin blemishes.

It is applied as needed, on face, body, hands or hair. Hair becomes lustrous and silky after application; split ends are reduced. Pure kahai oil has an almost neutral scent.


Fact Sheet: Cacay Oil / Kahai oil

INCI: Caryodendron Orinocense Seed Oil

CAS number: 1453469-52-7

Concentration of use: up to 100 percent possible, depending on the area of application.

Application: mainly in creams, lotions and body and face oils, but it can also be used pure as a nourishing oil for face, hands, body, hair and nails

Origin: Andean region (mainly Colombia, Peru, Ecuador), sustainable cultivation is becoming increasingly popular

Main ingredients: vitamin E, linoleic acid, retinol, omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids


Kahai oil: the anti-aging multi-talent

Though it is advisable to react with a certain reserve to “miracle substances “, kahai oil with its really extraordinary composition deserves the claim. The oil is a highly effective cocktail of precious ingredients and is going to play an important role in cosmetics. At present, kahai oil still is an insider tip. Cosmacon will be happy to advise you on the choice of a good cacay oil and its use in your products.




Physicochemical characterization, fatty acid profile, antioxidant activity and antibacterial potential of cacay oil, coconut oil and cacay butter.; Medeiros de Azevedo W, Ferreira Ribeiro de Oliveira L, Alves Alcântara M, Tribuzy de Magalhães Cordeiro AM, Florentino da Silva Chaves Damasceno KS, Kelly de Araújo N, Fernandes de Assis C, Sousa Junior FC. PLoS One. 2020 Apr 28;15(4):e0232224.

Chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of Amazonian (Ecuador) Caryodendron orinocense Karst. and Bactris gasipaes Kunth seed oils.; Radice M, Viafara D, Neill D, Asanza M, Sacchetti G, Guerrini A, Maietti S.J Oleo Sci. 2014;63(12):1243-50.