Medical skin care
Medical skin care as an accompanying, topical form of application after dermatological treatments is very important. Almost one in three adults and 40 percent of all children suffer from an allergy - and the trend is rising. This is shown by publications from the German Allergy and Asthma Association.

In recent years, great progress has been made in skin research to clarify the mechanisms of allergies and to develop suitable products and medication.
We have translated these findings into framework formulations and active ingredient concepts for medical skin care.
Medical skin care means care without irritation
Our medical skin care products help the skin to restore its natural balance and are ultra-sensitive, i.e. absolutely non-irritating to the skin.
Medical skin care could mean:
- Without synthetic preservatives
- without mineral oil, kerosenes
- without parabens, chemical UV filters
- without colorants
- without sulfates
- without emulsifiers
When should medical skin care be used?
Medical skincare comprises a range of treatments and products that are carried out by a dermatologist or dermatologist or whose products we have developed together.
Medical skin care is about treating or preventing skin problems.
Here are some examples:
- Topical specialty products: These can be administered in the form of creams, gels or lotions to treat specific skin problems, such as acne, psoriasis, rosacea or eczema.
- Chemical peels: This type of high-dose chemical peel can be used to remove dead skin cells and smooth the skin. Azelaic acid is certainly the first choice here.
- Skin soothing products after laser treatments: Laser treatments can be used to treat certain skin problems, such as age spots, acne scars or fine lines and wrinkles. No "mass market" products should be used after such treatment.
It is important to note that medical skin care products and treatments should be performed or sold by a qualified dermatologist.
Medical skin care as a "doctor's brand"
Medical skincare is often marketed as a "doctor's brand" and is a type of skincare or beauty brand that is co-developed by doctors.
These brands may contain medical grade skin care products that are specifically formulated for certain skin conditions, such as acne, sunburn, age-related skin changes and should be monitored in use due to the high concentration of active ingredients.
Examples of active ingredients in medical skin care
Retinoids, as vitamin A derivatives, are predestined for use in medical skin care. Retinoids should be used with caution because they are the most effective substances we are allowed to use in cosmetics:
- Use sunscreen: Retinoid can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight, which is why it is important to use a sunscreen with a high protection factor every day.
- Start slowly: Retinoid can cause irritation or redness at first, so you should start slowly and only use it once a week at first.
- Use it in the evening: Retinoid can make the skin more sensitive to light, which is why it is best used in the evening.
- Avoid alcohol and harsh cleansers: Avoid products containing alcohol or harsh cleansers while using retinoid as these can further irritate the skin.
- Use moisturizer: Use a moisturizer while using retinoid to avoid dry skin.
EGF, which stands for "Epidermal Growth Factor", is a naturally occurring protein that is responsible for cell division and the growth of skin cells. EGFs are used in skin care to improve and rejuvenate the appearance of the skin.
When EGFs are applied to the skin, they can stimulate cell division and the growth of skin cells, which can lead to an improvement in skin tone and a reduction in lines and wrinkles.
EGFs can also help to increase the skin's moisture content and reduce inflammation. These are usually also highly dosed and should only be applied topically under supervision. EGFs are another example of an exclusive class of active ingredients in medical skin care.
Summary of medical skin care
Medical skin care includes measures for the prevention and treatment of skin problems, especially for people with chronic skin diseases or damaged skin.
This may include the use of moisturizers, medicated ointments, UV protection and regular skin examinations. It is important as dermatologists to also offer safe and effective products to our patients/clients. Cosmacon will be happy to help you set up your own "Doctor's Brand".
If you would like to develop a medical skin care range, please contact us.
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Cosmeceutical Therapy: Engaging the Repercussions of UVR Photoaging on the Skin's Circadian Rhythm.
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