Skin in Winter

We protect our bodies from the winter cold with warm coats, fur-lined boots and thermal gloves. We come home, the heating is on, the fire is lit and we snuggle on the sofa with a warm cup of hot chocolate.
Stress for our Skin
These drastic temperature changes are a real challenge for our skin in winter. The dry air caused by central heating sucks the moisture from our skin making it sensitive and raw. The skin responds to dry air by sending more moisture to the surface which then in turn dries out. Outside the air is cold and also dry adding to the problem. Low temperatures cause the capillaries under the skin to contract to retain warmth. This reduces the blood supply to the skin surface, meaning it hast to function with less oxygen and nutrients.
The effect of cold and wind
Below 8°C, the sebaceous glands stop producing sebum, which is already at low levels in our skin in winter. This means the skin lacks its protective fatty film allowing it to dry out.
Winter winds mean that it feels colder outside than it really is. The „Wind Chill“ effect means that at -5°C , with a wind of 30km/h, the temperature feels like -13°C! These winds also cool the skin drastically, and bring with them water from fog, snow or rain that can freeze on the skin surface causing damage.
The right care for our skin in winter
A good winter skin care product should be based on a type W/O emulsion. This means the lipids are in the external phase, and can immediately protect the skin from dehydration. Care for skin in winter should also have a high level of skin-hydration compounds that can top up the skins reserves. Winter skin exposed to the winter sun, for example when skiing, requires a high SPF protection. The white snow reflects almost 100% of the UV rays meaning the skin is exposed to a 200% dose of UV. Ideally a skin care product designed to protect and nourish skin in winter should take all of the above factors into consideration.